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rv at williston fox run rv park

Find an Alternative Housing Solution in Williston, ND

At Williston Fox Run RV Park, we understand how hard it can be to find affordable housing in Williston, ND. With an influx of workers to the area and a shortage of housing options, the rental rates have soared, leaving many people to search for alternative housing options. Rather than pay an inflated rate at a hotel, apartment complex, or other rental property, you could pay one all-inclusive price at our RV park. Whether you are here for a short-term job or a long contract, we can provide a place to call home during your stay. Not to mention, we’ll help you keep your costs low by offering an affordable housing alternative. Contact us today for more information or to book a spot for your RV.

line of trucks

A Great Location for Oil and Gas Industry Workers

We know that work in the Bakken basin brings workers from all over the country to our small community of Williston. And we want to help these workers find a place to settle in during their stay with us. Our RV park offers an excellent housing option for workers in the oil and gas industries. Williston is located very centrally in the Bakken Formation, giving you access to  many job sites within this region. We fully understand how the influx of workers in this region is driving up rental rates. We want these hardworking individuals to know about all their housing options, so they can find a place to stay that won’t spend all of their hard-earned cash. If you’re planning an extended stay, it’s often more affordable to purchase an RV and pay our reasonable rental rates than it is to pay the premium prices some rental properties require.

All the Amenities without An Inflated Price

The best part about living at our RV park is that you don’t have to sacrifice all the comforts of modern living. You won’t feel like you’re camping. You’ll feel like you’re at home. We have high-speed internet, heated water services, showers, laundry facilities, and so much more. You can make yourself at home and get everything you need without paying overly inflated rates that cut into your salary. Please reach out to us today to reserve your spot at our park.

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